Messages from YOUR Spirit Guide team! We all have times in our life when we are just hoping for a little help or guidance, to perhaps point out a direction, or lift the veil on something that we are too close to and can't see clearly. Who better to help than the Guides who love you and know you so very well? Scroll down for further info…
Discover your inner compass and find your 'true north'. Know your existing (and future) strengths, transcend your shadows, and grasp your goals on this path. Your Life Map can help transform your life journey; helping you to embrace your full potential and step into your soul purpose to radiate your innate brilliance and consciously create a life that you love!
Finding out who you really are at Soul Level is an amazing benchmark to journey from, no matter where you currently are on your adventures! (Akashic Record Reading) Scroll down for further info…
From our everyday negative thoughts and beliefs, through black magic and negative entity attachments, from past or present life, we all have negative energetic 'stuff' that is affecting us. Scroll down for further info...
Discovering who your children are at Soul Level can give so many insights and help with parenting them the way their soul understands - and needs! Scroll down for further info...
For those who have done their initial Soul Realignment (or basic Profile), and have been integrating that knowledge, it may feel it's time to clear another layer.
For a home (or business) anywhere in the world, whether you just want a clear and positive space to be in, or you've noticed you're never *quite* comfortable in certain areas... or you're energetically sensitive and you can actually feel the energetic residue of everyone else who has lived in that space, a Property Clearing will remove all of that and make your home feel sparkly again! Scroll down for more info....
Primarily utilising the many pathways and protocols from the amazing Forensic Healing system, we will uncover the energetic roots of the imbalances, patterns, belief systems and more, that could be contributing to the issues you are currently facing.
What to get that someone who seems to have everything - except perhaps a deeper understanding of who they are at Soul level? A Gift Certificate for a Soul Reading / Clearing! You can simply message me when you purchase the relevant Clearing that this is a gift. Or if you're unsure of which type of reading to select, get in touch and I can create a 'general' Gift Certificate that includes the value of what you would like, and I can send you an invoice for that amount!