Soul Journeying / Spiritual Awakening is not always easy. Sometimes it helps to see how someone else is navigating their way through, or just to see some different perspectives, thoughts and insights.

Musings on Life Maps
7 min read

"This absolutely blows me away! We now have a roadmap that shows us not only what we are fully equipped for, what the danger zones might be, but also what direction to head in!"

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Why is intention SO important?
3 min read

Whether it’s getting clear and setting intentions for the life you want to have, or setting intentions for the work you do with me, having clear, strong intentions is hugely important.

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Why we need to be CONNECTED whilst in isolation
3 min read

We need to be accountable. For our thoughts, actions, health, shadows, our light. Everything. When we shift blame, we give away our power.

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Negative Energy and Entities - do they affect me?
4 min read

We've all heard about 'good vibes', and probably heard about 'smudging' to get rid of the bad vibes - but should we be paying attention to these 'vibes'?

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Facing your Fears - WHY would anyone want to?
6 min read

Why do we usually run and hide from scary things? Those moving shadows as a kid were ALWAYS a non-event in the light of day, right?

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Property Clearings - What’s really going on?
5 min read

What IS an 'Energetic Property Clearing' - what does it do, what happens afterwards, and more importantly, why would anyone need one?

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Soul Realignment - Ummm, what exactly is that?
4 min read

Do you just *know* there's something more to the life you're currently living? Or you're feeling an inner urge to find or do 'something more'?

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