Akashic Record Readings, Clearings, Blueprints, Spirit Guide Profiles, Property Clearings, Negative Entity clearings and more. Discover who you are at Soul level, and develop your own compass to expand and shine. Soul Journeys and support to help you create a life you love. x

Soul Blueprint Life Map
Just some of the benefits of exploring and understanding your unique Soul Blueprint Life Map:
it can help you to navigate through life, change your results, and discover your true potential.

Think of life's journey as being like your social media feed; it constantly adjusts based on what you give your attention to. The Universe, or what I’m now calling ‘The Great Algorithm’, also self-adjusts and responds to your focus, and provides you with corresponding experiences.

By consciously choosing to focus more on your constructive traits and experiences (your Codes), you can influence your life outcomes. Often, we're unaware of this dynamic, but by exploring your Life Map, you gain clarity on what to focus on for optimal results. Your Map highlights your strengths, hurdles, shadow traits, and potential for deep fulfilment, giving your your own set of 'red flags' to watch out for, and guiding you toward your ultimate destination and purpose.

Working in the Akashic Records I can assist people anywhere in the world. I am coded to be a catalyst... to be a spark that ignites a brighter flame within you, helping you to flourish.

Hey there! I'm Xina, and I'm so happy you're here.

I'm all about constant growth and evolution. My own journey is fueled by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, and I’m always eager to fuse fresh insights and quantum coding into the fabric of my work. Drawing from decades of experience and a vast array of modalities from diverse mentors, I’m able to bring some unique nuances to the various readings I offer.

My toolbox includes certifications as a Soul Realignment Practitioner, Advanced Spirit Guide Energy Healer, and as a Quantum Creation Oracle. I also utilise my Diploma in Forensic Healing, along with various other modalities such as Frequency Healing, Negative Entity Clearing and more, and I make use of over 60 Oracle Decks, a large collection of amazing crystals, Healy device and other healing frequency devices!

I love being able to work with people - and properties - all over the world, without any restrictions on location. (For reference though, I live in Australia!) I would love to work with you to help create your own Divine Soul Magic. You can opt for gentle nudges towards growth or take a deep dive into more transformative experiences! By acknowledging our potential, holding a light up to our own shadows, embracing some discomfort, and actually doing the 'inner work’, we can unearth profound gifts and insights.

My goal is to help you discover who you truly are at Soul Level and support you to be an even better version of yourself, manifest your dreams, and LOVE the life you consciously create. Most of all I want you to SHINE the way you deserve to, and were always meant to!

About image

Soul Journeying / Spiritual Awakening is not always easy. Sometimes it helps to see how someone else is navigating their way through, or just to see some different perspectives, thoughts and insights.

Why is intention SO important?

Whether it’s getting clear and setting intentions for the life you want to have, or setting intentions for the work you do with me, having clear, strong intentions is hugely important.

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Why we need to be CONNECTED whilst in isolation

Every one of us needs to be accountable. Accountable for our thoughts. Our actions. Our health. Our shadows. Our light. Everything. The second we try and blame anyone or anything for something we are giving away our power.

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Negative Energy and Entities - do they affect me?

We've all heard about 'good vibes', and probably heard about 'smudging' to get rid of the bad vibes - but should we be paying attention to these 'vibes'?

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Facing your Fears - WHY would anyone want to?

Why do we usually run and hide from scary things? Those moving shadows as a kid were ALWAYS a non-event in the light of day, right?

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Property Clearings - What’s really going on?

What IS an 'Energetic Property Clearing' - what does it do, what happens afterwards, and more importantly, why would anyone need one?

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Soul Realignment - Ummm, what exactly is that?

Do you just *know* there's something more to the life you're currently living? Or you're feeling an inner urge to find or do 'something more'?

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  • Warranwood VIC, Australia

Holographic Soul Academy

Holographic Soul Academy

One of the very few people I've trained with who I wholeheartedly recommend. Paula's integrity has never faltered, and her passion for empowering people only continues to grow.

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