Discover your inner compass and find your 'true north'. Know your existing (and future) strengths, transcend your shadows, and grasp your goals on this path. Your Life Map can help transform your life journey; helping you to embrace your full potential and step into your soul purpose to radiate your innate brilliance and consciously create a life that you love!
COMING SOON - Check back late August / September :)
Just one reason that understanding your Life Map is important, is that not only can it help you NAVIGATE through life, but it can help you to CHANGE YOUR RESULTS!
This is not an 'everyday reading'! This isn't the same as getting a Tarot Card Reading at your local Mind, Body, Spirit festival! It's not the same as getting a Psychic Reading that gives you several snippets of information. And it's definitely not like a yearly Horoscope Reading. (Please know that I love all of those options by the way. An Astrology Chart is another one of your Soul Blueprints!) THIS is a reading that can guide you and even evolve with you throughout life.
THIS reading gives you a foundational blueprint of who you are, what your predispositions are likely to be, what talents and gifts are available to you, what some of your obstacles in life might be, the goals that silently motivate you, and what is your overall reason for being here!
What if you knew that you were coded for greatness in a particular way? That it is completely within your ability to be a catalyst for incredible change, a futuristic business leader, a trailblazer, or a genius amongst many other things? If you could see that you are coded to be successful in performing arts, as a writer, a leader, or teacher for example? If you knew that those dreams you've held close but perhaps not dared speak out loud were your soul's greatest desires, would you allow yourself to nurture your visions and aspirations?
And what if you knew that your soul actually chose for you to experience disempowerment, addictions, procrastination or anxiety for example, purely so you could overcome those and step into your greatest potential and unlock even greater gifts than the ones you innately have already? The Life Map helps to identify and name your shadows, to turn them into great strengths!
The impact of seeing your potential shadow traits and habits in black and white can be SO empowering and transformative... although it can feel like a slap in the face too! But at least you have the choice now to confront and transcend the very things that are holding you back.
On top of this, what if you thought the challenges your soul has chosen for you to work through and transform into extra talents, were just 'bad luck'? Without recognising them, you might feel incredibly frustrated that the same patterns keep showing up over and over.
Now imagine discovering some of your talents are the things you perhaps took for granted and didn't see as anything special or unique? What if you leaned into those more, and were able to 'work smarter, not harder'? How much easier would it be to create a life you love?
Your Life Map will show you all these things, and so much more!
Before you were born, your soul considered all of its various karma needing to be balanced, lessons to be learned, various sets of experiences to be gained, growth to be had, and the purpose for your particular life adventure. It assessed all possible ways to achieve and experience these, and it charted a course. We each select a number of things (at Soul level) that create the foundation of who we are, and how our life might be shaped. One of those things is our name.
Our name becomes our frequency. It is a foundational blueprint for who we are in this lifetime.
So... our name frequency provides us with some general ‘structural patterns’ to form our gifts and talents to be developed and utilised in this lifetime. It will also give us some of the challenges we set up to jump like hurdles (or sometimes struggle with). These could be karmic in nature from previous lifetimes, or they could just be things our soul would like to experience. Sometimes we may lack the capacity to understand something or have gratitude for it, unless we have gone through some adversity first. Or, just like when we play games or solve puzzles in life, we actually enjoy the feeling of applying ourselves to overcome challenges and then feel a euphoric rush when we have completed it. When we transmute and work through our shadows and challenges, we are left holding gifts, so it is always worthwhile in the long-run. These can be considered our additional talents; just ones we’ve perhaps had to work a little harder to gain access to!
The other things our name frequency give us are our goals and direction in life, and, our overall life purpose. It’s so fascinating to see how all these things are intertwined. We need to use our gifts and strengths to work through our obstacles and challenges to reach our goals before attaining our soul purpose! This is why I call it a ‘Life Map’… it shows us our ‘true north’ and allows us to course-correct along the way as we journey towards our ultimate destination of stepping into our full potential and fulfilling our overall mission.
Unlocking your Life Map helps to illuminate the shadows, revealing both the perceived limitations as well as the huge strengths within your personality and behavior. Often we don't recognise our gifts and talents because we've always had them, and unfortunately this can mean we don't utilise them anywhere NEAR as much as we should. When we use these natural strengths, life flows much easier and things don't seem like as much 'work' as we once thought. You'll also reveal the guiding arrows that lead to your soul's overall mission, while uncovering your future / potential unique talents, qualities, and inclinations that pave the way forward.
"A map is a powerful tool for understanding and interacting with the world, providing a framework for navigation, overall direction, alternative routes and useful information”
Your soul chose your name based on the frequency codes and the treasures they will provide access to. The frequencies are ‘triggered’ in a sense, through both the sound of our name when it is spoken, as well as the textural format, each time our name is written.
Our Birth Name can be considered our overall Mission and Structure in life. It will not change. We can, however, update or enhance our name vibration and give it new energy and direction to an extent (and therefore, to our life experience also), through modifying or changing our name. This will never replace or alter our original Map or Mission, but it will definitely give some extra splashes of colour and flavour.
Something like shortening our first name, or dropping our middle name in day-to-day life is a very common thing to do, and because that ‘new’ name is repeatedly written and spoken, it gives an additional layer. Sometimes we change our name after marriage, or we might even choose a whole new identity and name for various reasons. Again, even with an entirely new name, we will never alter or replace our original soul plan. The longer we use an overlay name however, the more depth it will take on and will influence our original foundation.
In some cases, our 'other' name(s) could actually cause some friction with our birth name codes, and make some things even more challenging! (This could also be viewed as a ‘express-route’ though so definitely not to be interpreted as a negative thing!) Other times the new codes may add a level of harmony or added activation to our talents.
Your Life Map contains within it many Codes, and these will help you to understand how you are ‘made’ at Soul Level, and will help guide you through life's journey and your personal 'master plan’.
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